I know, I know, I promised a follow up DAYS ago on a few items. Since there were several things I was going to talk about, let's just go by numbers:
1. My conversation with Scott Matusow. There are so many components to the talk that we had that I'm saving this for a later date. I need to assemble the bits and pieces first before I put it out for public consumption. Yes, I know I keep teasing about this but as I've said before I prefer to present things as accurately as possible. So stay tuned.
2. The whole Mike is addicted to online poker thing. One thing Scott mentioned to me was that everytime he's at Mike's house there's nothing but empty pizza boxes in the kitchen (read: he's not getting out much!). In fact, during our conversation Scott tried to get Mike on the phone, it went like this-
Scott Matusow: let me call him now let me see if hes in some soirt of human range ya im serious
toddmpc: ok
Scott Matusow: nah mail box full
Scott Matusow: one sec ill try home #
Scott Matusow: "hey mike this guy does a nice blog on you online, when you want to talk to him"
Scott Matusow: " im sleeping ill call yu later"
toddmpc: lol
Scott Matusow: which he wont ill call him he will say " cant talk playing online"3. Just how deep is Mike in the hole and how much does he owe his spotters? By almost every account I've heard,
he's in for at least 3 million dollars. You can do some simple math based on the number of times he has busted out publicly and then asked for a loan. Using some rough math, I've seen him drop at least 400-500K in total over the last month or so. This was almost certainly borrowed money. Hell, he's even said in public chat that's in for the 3 million-
Erik Seidel (Observer): Mixed games now Mikey, don't bust the site
SilentSupra (Observer): zomg, a red player on therail?
Mike Matusow: y
Mike Matusow: i only owe three milMike Matusow: think they may cut me offThe comment from Erik Siedel was in response to Full Tilt Poker adding mixed cash games to their site. The "don't bust the site" reference was apparently tied to Full Tilt fronting Mike some cash to keep playing. I've also heard from one my very reliable sources that Mike will have to cash in his private shares of Full Tilt stock to repay some of the money.
4. A few other misc. items regarding a cat, the furniture business, and other stuff I may have forgot. You'll have to wait on those too but I promise they'll be entertaining as well.
Don''t get 3 million in the hole, play within your limits and if you're ever bored, you can watch Mike try to break even.